
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Flied from a roof of the counter truck the ice block has punched Mercedes

ice block has punched Mercedes

The icicle which has flown away from a roof of the truck, moving towards on the Tallinn district road, has flown in a forward part of car Mercedes, and as the driver of the last hasn't noticed truck number, it should remain without the insurance. Auto insurance, Car Insurance

 «In the morning I went from Tallinn in Juri for work as loud knock was suddenly distributed and from a roof of the truck going towards in a windshield the big icicle has flown. It is good that glass has sustained, differently I, probably, was lost», - 24-year-old Lijz remembers that has occurred to it in the middle of December. According to the driver, she strongly was frightened, however has managed to keep the car on road. «When I have arrived for work, me all shook», - she admitted.

Parking the car on work, the woman has noticed that on a forward lattice the hole in size about a fist flaunts. «Hence, this piece of ice from a window has departed here», - she has assumed. Later it was found out that it is damaged воздухозаборный a hose.

During incident the woman went with a speed of 80 km/h, the counter truck, in its opinion, the minimum with the same speed went. There was a snow and there was rather a low visibility. «I didn't have any possibility to make out car number, even I haven't remembered its mark. I know that road insurance doesn't compensate, but me interests, who is responsible for that nearby there did not go such trucks with a heap of snow by a roof, - tells Lijz. – So after all can be lost and any pedestrian».

The Auto insurance, of course, compensates (Car Insurance)

According to the head of department of preventive maintenance of a damage of Estonian fund of road insurance Eric Ernitsa, under the Law on road insurance, the loss which has resulted movement of separated parts of cargo or other subjects provided that it has been connected with vehicle movement is indemnified.

«In case the truck from which the ice piece has separated, was known, the damage would be compensated by the insurance firm which has insured the truck», - has confirmed Ernits. In this case, as he said, the problem really consists that the caused damage the truck is unknown, and under the law a damage put by an unknown vehicle, isn't compensated.

However, if someone was traumatized, the personal damage caused to it is compensated (for example, expenses on treatment, a damage connected with invalidity, etc.) Indemnification would receive and in the event that there would be an insurance. «If the originator of a damage remains to unknown persons, and the contract on vehicle insurance wasn't, the owner of a vehicle, unfortunately, should pay itself a damage», - ascertained Ernits.

If the originator was known, the insurance company should compensate the caused damage.

It is difficult to hold the pure

According to the chief executive of automobile firm Linford Mihkelja Vakh, the truck roof is difficult for cleaning. «There it is very difficult to get, even from a ladder it is good not to reach», - he admitted. At the same time, by words Vakh, it would be fine, if drivers of the big trucks would watch from time to time a roof. «But on turn or at sharp start everything therefrom can fall down, - he has noticed, having noticed that to their firm anybody with such complaints didn't address. – I some times have hardly avoided accident when the truck with the big trailer passed by, and the icicle fell to me almost on a cowl».

In order to avoid such incidents Vakh advises to be extremely careful at overtaking and to hold a distance. «In windy weather everything if from a roof the ice piece» comes off therefrom can arrive, - he has noticed.

According to Ernitsa in case it is a question of the counter truck to avoid danger more difficult, however attentiveness here again can help. «If from apart it is visible that the truck towards goes, it is necessary to be slowed down and keep from it as it is possible further. In case it is not possible to avoid a damage, it is necessary to conclude Car Insurance», - he has advised.

In police have informed that statements for such incidents to them didn't arrive.

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