FREE The secrets of Insurance will help to avoid errors you at closing of deal
Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Plane Crash of Tu-204 Red Wings at. Life insurance
The crashed Tu-204 was insured in the company "SOGAZ"
The plane which was wrecked, has been insured in company "SOGAZ" Now the insurer tries maximally to accelerate payment of compensations to relatives of victims and the victim, the head of the press-service of insurance group "SOGAZ" Pavel Prytkov has reported our radio station.
The police has found an explosive near to a country house of the president of Cyprus. House Insurance
The box with an explosive has been found on road which leads to the house of Xristofias It is a question about 1,2 kgs тринитротолуола, it is told in the police message though the Cyprian TV channels report about 3 kgs of an explosive. The detonator hasn't been connected to explosive.
House Insurance, Home Insurance
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Obama is adjusted optimistically concerning the new financial law. To provide insurance
Obama by other methods will search for support in preventing increase of taxes to incomes to 250,000 dollars and to provide insurance upon unemployment
US president Barack Obama after last desperate meeting in the White house says that it "modestly and optimistically" is adjusted that the transaction will help to avoid financial breakage.
Obama has told that leaders of the Senate worked creating the bill which can achieve approval in both chambers of the Congress.
In France the court has cancelled the tax which has expelled Depardieu from the country. Social insurance
Refuses the French citizenship and from social insurance
The 75 % tax to the big incomes extends only on separate citizens of France, has explained the Constitutional council of the country
The constitutional council of France recognized as illegal entering of the 75 percent tax to the income over one million euro a year. The offer of the president of the country of Francois Hollande to impose such tax has led to "outcome" from France well-to-do persons among whom there was actor Gerard Depardieu.
The international cargo road transportation became more dangerous. СMR - cargo insurance
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procedures СMR - cargo insurance |
the conclusion of the contract and carrying out of necessary procedures СMR - cargo insurance
According to AsMAP of Ukraine, from the beginning of December, 2012 in Kiev the criminal grouping spending the international cargo auto transport with fictitious requisites of one of the companies operates.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Top 10 The largest expenses of celebrities and superstars. Insurance
Meal, clothes, the insurance – too important points of the list. Stars don't feel sorry for $50 000 on insurance
Edition New York Post has constituted the list of expenditure of stars of the first magnitude of the USA, having interrogated financial consultants of stars about that, on what celebrities spend money.
Edition New York Post has constituted the list of expenditure of stars of the first magnitude of the USA, having interrogated financial consultants of stars about that, on what celebrities spend money.
EU and the USA prepare secret consolidation
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EU and the USA secret consolidation |
The European Union and the USA have returned to idea of creation of a free transatlantic economic zone for the sake of support of the distressful economy. Experts see in it attempt of creation of a counterbalance to growing economy of India and China. However, practical realization of the plan will be rather complicated, including because EU and the USA compete with each other.
How to Get an Insurance Claim Paid
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Uragan-Sendi |
Getting an insurance claim paid is a real pain. Rick Kahler, the dauntless president of Kahler Financial Group in Rapid City, S.D., gives some secrets about how to cope with the insurance industry. Rick, a financial advice polymath, is known in the advisor world for his complex grasp of intricate subjects and his common-sense solutions. His take:
Getting claims money from your insurer for property damage is time-consuming and annoying. But it helps if you have the right mental attitude: The insurance company is not your friend, but your adversary.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
The USA on a default threshold
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the social insurance program, on $1,22 trillion |
So, the president is ready to agree on the basic requirement of republicans - the expenditure cut, taken in the budget the next ten years and connected with federal the social insurance program, on $1,22 trillion.
The technical default of the USA can become the most important thing, but at all the most joyful New Year's gift to Americans. As reports The Wall Street Journal, the Minister of Finance of the USA Timoti Gajtner has addressed with the letter to the Congress in which he reports that the United States is reached the limiting size of a central government debt on Monday, on December, 31st.
In Greece have revealed almost 46 000 persons, illegally received the social help
The minister of work, social insurance and maintenance of Ioannis Vrutsis
The general damage from the opened uncovered, it agree to the ministry data, it is estimated in 320 million euro. Thus there are thousand examples of reception by swindlers of pensions and the social blessings for people who have already left this world.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Iran continues to deliver freely oil to Europe, the question on insurance is solved.
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the question on insurance is solved 100% |
The foreigner has stopped the villain and has run into debt to the Czech state.
The police and hasn't caught the criminal. Gioni hasn't got the driver's license to a disability pension as it the foreigner and has worked in Czechia three years and 45 days, and the law demands to work at least five years. Besides, he should pay social and pension insurance, but has on it no means because of what has run into debt to the state of 190 thousand crones. A unique source of the income is the monthly grant from management on employment at a rate of four thousands crones.
Whether will raise the prices for medical insurance for 4 % in the Arabian countries?
All clients of medical insurance believe that the decision of many insurance companies to raise the price of their service for 4 % in New year incorrectly.
Employers have received notices from the insurance companies in which it is informed that “expenses in public health services sector raise.”
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Monday, December 24, 2012
Nissan has presented a ruler of novelties for a showroom to Tokyo. Car Insurance
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Nissan Juke Nismo |
Nissan has presented a ruler of novelties for a showroom to Tokyo. Car Insurance
The Japanese company of Nissan together with court honing studio Autech Japan and the sports division of Nissan Motorsports (Nismo) has presented one of these days the whole ruler of interesting and unique cars. Novelties are prepared specially for a Tokyo showroom starting in following month (Tokyo Auto Salon 2013). Auto insurance
Auto insurance: Lexus has sold more a half-million of hybrid cars
Auto insurance: Lexus has sold more a half-million of hybrid cars. Car Insurance.
World sales of hybrid cars of mark of Lexus have exceeded a semi million boundary. As the press-service of the company informs, the most popular model became Lexus RX 400h/450h - 259 000 sold cars.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Features of insurance of risks of the enterprises of alcoholic branch
The insurance companies have developed the complex program of insurance of the enterprises-manufacturers of alcoholic branch which includes such kinds of insurance, as insurance of property, cargoes, cars, and also insurance of responsibility of a commodity producer, insurance of expenses on a response of production and from a break in industrial activity.
The Swedish insurance company Folksam has gained international popularity due to cats-jumpers
The oldest Swedish insurance company Folksam has got the international popularity thanks to cats-parachutists: in a commercial of the company some pets in full equipment come down to earth, manufacturing in air various tricks.
In a 40-second roller to the spectator show about ten cats which with unperturbable muzzles and fur beautifully developing on a wind fly from heavens on the earth under a song I Believe I Can Fly. In air of a cat show figures and as if the presents skydivers, last to each other the shaggy paws.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Why British don't want to spend money on holidays
indemnification of insurance of solvency (PPI) which have paid clearing banks
Sometimes economy — very simple subject. In November, 2012 it is possible to explain all explanations of weakness of retail only so: money, therefore consumers are necessary to all save till Christmas and, most likely, will continue to save after.
The volume of expenses among the British buyers last month has appeared same as in October, writes The Guardian. According to research of Confederation of the British industry (CBI), the sales volume in November could decrease, if not an exit new iPad-mini from Apple.
Iran finds all new ways to bypass the West sanction
refusal of insurance of oil and its transportations have come into force
Iran shows more and more creative approach, evading from sanctions of the western powers. So, he has managed to sell the increased quantity of black oil for reception of the income equal about thirds of the former export of oil-raw, strongly suffered because of sanctions.
The parliament of Estonia has presented to the population «a Christmas gift»
The parliament of Estonia on Thursday, on December, 20th, has approved of the amendment to the Law on medical insurance according to which a payment for visit of the doctor on the house and for outpatient reception hours at the expert, and also a payment for kojko-day in hospital will raise more than half.
In the European Union comes into force "gender-neutral" insurance: Autoinsurance women go up.
In the European Union 21 December 2012. come into effect new rules for insurance services that will balance between men and women as consumers of insurance products. Now insurers in the EU will be obliged to charge men and women the same pay for the identical insurance products with no differentiation on the basis of gender, reported in today's press release from the European Commission.
U.S. infect the whole world "economic hysteria"
Return to a deficit of 3% of GDP - is not the reason to go mad. The real reason for the madness - that the country needs a fiscal surplus of 5% of GDP to ensure the realization of large-scale social programs - Social Security (social insurance for the elderly), Medicare (health insurance program for the elderly) and Medicaid (health insurance program for the poor) .
The world economy is easy to panic and the syndrome of the crowd - in order to provoke a serious crisis for a long time quite some rumors about him. But economists and politicians pretend not to notice, and continue to seriously talk about the proximity of the next collapse, bringing about a crash
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Organizers of the New York marathon cancelled because of hurricane "Sendi", carry on negotiations with Lloyd's concerning insurance payments
The association of runners of New York – the noncommercial society which is engaged in the organization of an annual New York marathon – can receive from the insurance companies millions dollars because of action cancellation in 2012.
As transfers a portal, the Association carries on negotiations with insurers – Lloyd's and its syndicates – concerning reception of insurance payment as the marathon appointed for November, 4th, has been excellent because of hurricane "Sendi".
The loss of world insurance branch from accidents in 2011 has exceeded $108 billion
The loss of world insurance branch from accidents in 2011 has exceeded $108 billion
Loss of world insurance branch from natural and the technogenic catastrophes which have fallen upon mankind from the beginning of 2011, it agree to the data of Swiss overcautious person Swiss Re has reached $108 billion that is the second-large loss of branch in the history.
As has informed Bloomberg, in 2010 the insured losses of world economy have made all $48 billion
The general losses of world economy from accidents come nearer to $350 billion in comparison with $226 billion year before.
EU will create the uniform bank union
EU will create the uniform bank union
Heads of the states of the European Union (EU) at the summit in Brussels have agreed to create on December, 14th, 2012 gradually the bank union which urged to provide supervision of activity of credit institutions of uniform Europe, and also to create institutes of insurance of bank risks. Fund creation on closing of problem banks and the high-grade scheme of protection of contributions on all euro area Besides, is supposed. For the EU countries with own currency participation in these actions will be voluntary.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
In Czechia since December, 21st life insurance for women will rise in price
In Czechia since December, 21st life insurance for women will rise in price
Within the limits of reduction of the Czech legislation to the European rules since December, 21st of current year in the country will balance the prices for insurance of men and women. It will lead to that the insurance for women will rise in price for some tens percent.
The insurance under the credit: what for it is necessary and as on it to save
The insurance under the credit: what for it is necessary and as on it to save
Consumer crediting
As a rule, the decision to take the credit in bank comes when the household budget goes to pieces, and money is necessary more than ever. Therefore, choosing the credit organization and the kind of a loan everyone of us tries to find the most acceptable on terms and the sum of monthly payments a debt settlement variant. And frequently, in particular if the credit is arranged not for the small sum, we face a problem of registration of the insurance under the credit which is offered persistently by employees of bank. And here there is a dilemma – whether it is necessary to take such insurance. That it is really excellent possibility to insure and native from nonpayment of the credit in case of origin of unforeseen circumstances of life from which, unfortunately, anybody from us is not insured. Or it is one more dodge of the bank trying at our expense to protect from risks of non-payments first of all of, instead of us?
The share market has risen to levels of the beginning of October on optimistical news from the USA
Barack Obama's Presidential Administration also suggests to raise a state debt limit so that it has sufficed for two next years (it was a question of full refusal of this restriction earlier), and also to save in addition $130 more млрд for the term of 10 years on programs of medical insurance.
The share market has risen to levels of the beginning of October on optimistical news from the USA
The share market on Tuesday has risen to levels of the beginning of October (the Moscow Interbank Stock Exchange index has exceeded 1480 points) against growth of world platforms on optimistical news from the Congress of the USA from negotiations on a solution of a problem of "fiscal breakage".
Monday, December 17, 2012
300 millionaires want to run from England
300 millionaires want to run from England
In Great Britain more the fifth part of millionaires reflects on emigrating from the country. The given researches testify to it, spent by request of bank Lloyds TSB.
Thus the main claims, which millionaires of Foggy Albion show to life in own country, is not heavy taxes, and bad weather, a crime rate and inflated prices.
In poll took part 1400 British having spare capitals at a rate of one million of pounds (1,6 million dollars). From them of 22 % have declared that now they think to leave to live abroad within the next two years. Attracts attention the fact that the share wishing to emigrate millionaires one year ago made 19 %, and one and a half years ago – 17 %.
French justify behavior Depardieu
"I give you the passport and number of social insurance which I never used, - is told in the letter.
Depardieu has moved to Belgium on purpose to avoid payment of new French taxes for the rich. The president of the country François Olland has confirmed that the 75 percent tax to the incomes exceeding one million of euro year, will be already entered from the beginning of 2013. Frenchmen justify Depardieu. In turn, politicians moving of the actor name "runaway".
The overwhelming majority of Frenchmen agree that Zherar Depardieu has the right to anger and moving to Belgium. The special poll spent on a site of popular newspaper Le Figaro where 81 % of respondents have in the affirmative answered a question has shown it: whether "you Understand Depardieu's indignation?". For days in poll have taken part almost 100 thousand persons. In comments readers have fallen with criticism upon own government. "It is, of course, good - for working and earning, - one of readers writes, - but where it is more pleasant than nothing to do and receive for it money, agree. The present government is engaged in it"." Simply Zhezhe had boldness to agitate for Sarkozy victory in elections, - other user is assured. Is truth: many have already left France, but such noise wasn't. Now they declared hunting on rich, and tomorrow will start to smother taxes poor ". Depardieu's reference has caused fury In party in power. As the first Oreli Filipetti who has declared has acted the minister of culture of France:" Mister Depardieu leaves a battlefield at the height of fight against crisis. To be the citizen is not only the rights, but also duties. And to pay taxes during the difficult moment for the country is and there is a patriotism ". Afterwards the deputy Socialist Party Jan Galju named behavior of the actor"deeply selfish"and has hinted that France and most should pass the law on deprivation of citizenship of those who runs from taxes.
Whether disarmament in the USA is possible?
Whether disarmament in the USA is possible?
In some hours after the massacre made at elementary school Njutauna, on a site of the White house there was a petition in which the inhabitant of New York David Glinn has demanded from administration «immediately to consider the law limiting access to the weapon».
Let's remind, on Friday on December, 14th 20-year-old Adam Lenza has opened shooting at elementary school Sendi-Huk located in Njutaune (State of Connecticut). 27 persons, 20 of which — small children As a result were lost. At the moment of incident at school which also carried out kindergarten functions, was not less than 600 children. Among victims there was also mother of criminal Nensi Lenza working as the tutor. The young man was shot on a tragedy place.
The Prime minister of France has declared that didn't name Depardieu pity ...
The Prime minister of France has declared that didn't name Depardieu pity
Jean-Mark Ejro has declared on Monday that didn't name Gerard Depardieu pity, however considers as that tax flight of the actor to Belgium and urges well-founded Frenchmen to show patriotism and civil solidarity in economic and financial crisis.
Gerar Depardieu has refused the French citizenship
Gerar Depardieu has refused the French citizenship
The Prime minister of France Jean-Mark Ejro named moving of the actor to Belgium "pity", on what Depardieu has reacted the angry letter.
The well-known actor Gerar Depardieu has refused the French citizenship. He has declared it in the post card addressed to the prime minister of the country Jean-Mark Ejro, published today in newspaper Le Journal du Dimanche
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Picture with history. Benjamin's "dot" portrait
Kajla's, drawn Migelem Endaroj
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Benjamin Kajla's drawn by Migelem Endaroj the portrait |
Migel Endara – the recognized artist who creates pictures in the technician of a pointillism. "Dot" drawing has brought popularity to the talented Spaniard not only on the native land, its works are known worldwide (on our site of we already wrote about its pictures). However the present pleasure for Migelja is not glory beams, and the real help to surrounding people. One of its works – Benjamin Kajla's portrait – attempt to support the person who not be helped by the state.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Zurich named the most dangerous cities of Russia by quantity of stealings of cars in 2010-2012
Zurich named the most dangerous cities of Russia by quantity of stealings of cars in 2010-2012
Management underwriting has conducted the research based on fixed cases of stealings of cars in Open Company SK Zurich autoinsurance, insured in Open Company SK Zurich. Research has captured the period from January, 2010 till August, 2012.
According to the received data, the five of the most unsuccessful cities following the results of last years includes Peter, Irkutsk, Barnaul, Samara and Tolyatti. Throughout all investigated period St.-Petersburg and Irkutsk invariably remain among the most dangerous cities. Nevertheless, experts-anderrajtery of Open Company SK «Zurich« mark a positive tendency on decrease in number of stealings in Petersburg and Irkutsk in comparison with 2010. Also by 2012 the list of dangerous cities have left Ivanovo, Khabarovsk and Tomsk.
Demand for bank and insurance services in developing countries by 2050 will grow more than on 50 % — research HSBC
By 2050 demand for services will increase in financial sector more than on 50 % by 2050. Now emerging markets consume approximately 18 % of given financial services in the world, — group HSBC research testifies.
Actually, the percent can be above, than we predict. As soon as access to bank and insurance services will become simpler and the state well-being will increase, we can observe decrease in level of accumulation and sharp jump of demand for financial services, quotes review HSBC PRIME agency.
Experts believe that consumer revolution all over the world not far off – and it will be caused by unprecedented expansion of world middle class.
Prospects of successful model of bank insurance are difficult for underestimating
Prospects of successful model of bank insurance are difficult for underestimating
In our country cooperation of the insurance companies with banks – the phenomenon extended enough, but, unfortunately, is realized it far not in the form of classical bancassurance.
If to speak about it in the standard sense, bancassurance consists that the bank acts as the high-grade channel of sale of insurance service. Service sales as that, instead of it is exclusive pledge subjects. In this case for employees of bank this operation same as, for example, opening of the credit account or plastic card delivery. They pass special trainings and well know products which offer.
Insurance of contents of bank cells for the present doesn't provide mass inflow of clients
Insurance of contents of bank cells for the present doesn't provide mass inflow of clients
Today insurance of contents of safes to the insurance companies is uninteresting, as doesn't provide mass inflow of clients. The system of complex bank insurance widely applied abroad could rescue position, but at us it gets accustomed hardly.
Insurance of contents of bank cells is, as a matter of fact, property insurance, but rather specific. Property policies of assurance cover the losses caused to object owing to a fire, fire, robbery, spontaneous and other disasters. They don't consider risks from actions of unfair employees, on the one hand, and features of bank business — with another. In the international practice the complex system of insurance ВВВ (Bankers Blanket Bond) which includes insurance of safes, storehouses and values contained in them is widely applied. Such policy first of all provides the indemnification, caused by the bank personnel, and also the third parties. As the international statistics shows, the most part of crimes in bank sphere occurs to participation of employees.
Recoil to tender committee can make to 25 % from an insurance premium
Recoil to tender committee can make to 25 % from an insurance premium
It is possible to rank as the agency commissions of the insurance companies safely and so-called recoils, Unprofitableness and profitability of insurers is told in the review «Expert РА» «: paradoxical dynamics». The share of recoils in cumulative gathering on corporate portfolios of insurers decreases, but is for the present appreciable.Analysts «Expert РА» believe that in some kinds of property insurance the share of recoils in the form of compensation to the managers, making decisions, can reach 20—25 %. «Nevertheless we with optimism notice that the tendency of reduction of a share of similar compensations proves to be true many participants of the market — both from demand, and from the offer», — is told in the review «Expert РА».
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