
Friday, January 4, 2013

Google promises to "release" from citizens of the North Korea

Google of the North Korea

The head of corporation Google Inc. Eric Schmidt has expressed intention to visit the North Korea in which territory the most strict act all over the world restrictions on use of Internet resources.

As news service Associated Press reports, mister Schmidt can visit one of the most aggressive and unfriendly states of a planet till the end of current month. Representatives Google meanwhile don't confirm exact date of visit, and also don't report about mister Schmidt plans to conduct what meetings in Northern Korea.

It is known that now to Internet resources in Northern Korea the high-ranking officials, and all information placed in mass-media can receive access only, is exposed to the strict censorship, however progressive North Korean leader Kim Chen Yn (Kim Jong-un) has pleased recently the nation the promise essentially to raise quality of life of the compatriots. Quite probably that it is a question and of granting to citizens of access at least to the limited number of Internet resources.

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