
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

White House against the secession of Texas from the United States

Texas from the United States
Nearly 120,000 Texans voted "yes" on the U.S. Department of

A White House official response to the petition to withdraw Texas from the United States, which is November 9, 2012 appeared on the federal site of We the People, - tells The Dallas Telegraph. The response states that "the Founding Fathers, who created the United States, did not assume the right to secede from the state."

More than 125,000 people signed a petition on the separation of Texas, which comes just days after Barack Obama won the U.S. presidential election in 2012. Site conditions for We the People - each petition, which collects more than 25,000 signatures to get an official response to the White House within 30 days.

Jon Carson, director of the White House Office of Public Affairs, announced the answer, which contained a quote from the first inaguratsionnoy speeches of Abraham Lincoln, and the opinion of the Supreme Court after the Civil War. Lincoln said that America was created as a "perpetual union", but people with different beliefs are free to discuss issues.

"The country has 300 million people live, and everyone has their own opinion and your beliefs. Democracy can be loud and controversial "- said Carson. - "Free and open debate - is that it allows the country to live ... But as much as we appreciate the robust debate, we will not allow the debate to divide us."

Texas asking to withdraw from the Union, one of the reasons Petition calls "economic difficulties related to the neglect of the federal government to review budgetary spending, both within the country and beyond its borders." The petition argues that, given the Texas economy, and because of a balanced state budget, is realistic for Texas secede from the Union. "

The petition also argues that the federal government no longer shares the values ​​that were of the Founding Fathers. True, Carson argues that the framers of the Constitution defined the possibility of reforming, not by department, and by election.

Petitions are due to secede Texas from the United States, on the same night all over the country came to be known in the Texas Air National Guard Guard Micah Hurd, who is the author of the document. However, the petition was the reason for some of the problems to his service.

In December last year, the commander of the Texas Air National Guard Regiment Howard Palmer sent to his subordinates, including Hardy, an email in which it was written that "any talk of secession must be conducted by civil people, and the military man such arguments are not worthy." A few days later a representative of the National Guard said that Hurd had not done anything illegal and that the e-mail, in which he urged "not to express their point of view" is not supposed to be sent, as the Hard exercising his right to freedom of expression, as a citizen of the U.S. . However, Hardy's father said his son command banned discuss Petitions to the press.

Daniel Miller, president of the Texas Nationalist Movement believes that the White House's response does not address the issues raised in the Petition: "The answer is completely rejects the fundamental principles outlined in the Declaration of Independence. After such a response we have a more powerful argument that Texas is better to be independent. "

The same answer the White House gave Petitions other states ratuyuschim secession.

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